For All Emergencies Dial 911
Kenduskeag Fire-Rescue
4012 Broadway ,
Kenduskeag ME, 04450
Burn Permit
Kenduskeag Fire-Rescue is a municipal fire department staffed by volunteers, call company members and per diem employees. On average Kenduskeag receives 220 calls for service annually and provides fire suppression and emergency medical services. Kenduskeag Fire was originally an Incorporated fire department and later was absorbed by the municipality to provide the best service to our community.
Members are trained in Firefighting operations, CPR, Emergency medical treatment and care, vehicle extrication, water rescue and much more. BECOME A MEMBER TODAY!
Kenduskeag Fire-Rescue proudly responds and receives mutual aid as a part of the Penobscot County mutual aid agreement. We work directly with Northern Light Medical Transport, Corinth Fire Department, Glenburn Fire Department, Levant Fire Department, and Hudson Fire & Rescue.
Monday at 6:00 pm at the Fire Station.
Meet The Fire Crew

Our Current & Retired Equipment